Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Better Days I've Known...

It's a good thing that today is a stat and that the nursery is closed, otherwise I would have quit last night.

Yesterday morning was fine. The afternoon, however, was a nightmare. We changed tree types and bundle specifications. I was just getting the hang of making bundles of ten trees and was just about able to keep up the pace. Bundles of fifteen trees require a different pattern and the trees are a lot bigger, so I can't pick them up with one hand. As the afternoon progressed, I got more and more behind and the line supervisor yelled my name more and more, sometimes across the harvest room, and more shrilly every time. It was humiliating. I was obviously doing the best I could, was obviously painfully aware of how inadequate I was, and obviously trying to master in one afternoon a skill the line manager had been working on for years. The 80$ I made yesterday was definitely not worth being belittled like that.

We'll see how things go tomorrow. I suspect I won't be put on a line again. If I am and I get yelled at just one time, I'll be advising the production manager that I won't be back on Thursday.

*scans the 'want ads' hopefully*


northerngurl said...

Hopefully you will have a better day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rae. So sorry to hear about your day at work. No one deserves to be humiliated like that, especially when you are trying to do your best. If you do go elsewhere it will be to their loss...you are obviously very intelligent and conscientious...qualities that any employer should cherish. Hopefully things improve pronto !!
Take care, Trent

Rae said...

Thanks to both of you!